Tax free for tourist

Tax free shopping is available for tourist.
You can make purchase product at 10% off from our store price.

You need to bring passport with landing permission seal.
If you don't have it, we can't sell by tax free.

You can pay by creditcard, cash, Alipay, Unionpay.

You need to agree and confirm the following three points.

  • You purchase the product for your personal use or for souvenir after leaving Japan.
  • You shall not use the product for sales or business purpose.
  • You shall take the product along when leaving Japan.

We can sell one item per individual only.

Infomation for Ginza store

Address 〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座1-6-6 GINZA ARROWS1F・2F
TEL 03-5250-7272
FAX 03-5250-7273
Business hours 11:00~19:00(Sunday and national holiday:11:00~18:00)
Regular holiday Wednesday
Nearest station Tokyo Metro Y19・G09・M16、H09/ JR Yurakucho Station

Picture of Ginza store

ムーンフェイズ岐阜店内画像 ムーンフェイズ岐阜店内画像 ムーンフェイズ岐阜店内画像




Infomation for Gifu store

Address 〒500-8847 岐阜県岐阜市金宝町1-3
TEL 058-266-7759
FAX 058-267-7727
Business hours 11:00~19:00(日曜祝日:18:00 まで営業)
Regular holiday 水曜日
Nearest station JR Gifu station

Picture of Gifu store

ムーンフェイズ岐阜店内画像 ムーンフェイズ岐阜店内画像 ムーンフェイズ岐阜店内画像



